This trophy is open to all registered competition swimmers in the category Master, whatever their nationality.
The trophy will be held over two days, on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, and competition categories will be as follows:
Dates: 26-27 April 2025
Venue: Piscinas Municipales SON HUGO.
Pool: 25m. 10 lanes. Indoor
Timing: electronic timing.1. AGES GROUPS
20+ 20-24 years (born 2001-2005): PREMASTER
25+ 25-29 years (born 1996-2000)
30+ 30-34 years (born 1991-1995)
35+ 35-39 years (born 1986-1990)
40+ 40-44 years (born 1981-1985)
45+ 45-49 years (born 1976-1980)
50+ 50-54 years (born 1971-1975)
55+ 55-59 years (born 1966-1970)
60+ 60-64 years (born 1961-1965)
65+ 65-69 years (born 1956-1960)
70+ 70-74 years (born 1951-1955)
75+ 75-79 years (born 1946-1950)
80+ 80-84 years (born 1941-1945)
85+ 85-89 years (born 1936-1940)
90+ 90-94 years (born 1931-1935)
95+ 95-99 years (born 1926-1930)
100+ 100- years (born 1925 and earlier)
Firts session: Saturday, 26 April 2025 at 15:30 p.m.
1 – 400 m. Freestyle Men
2 – 400 m. Freestyle Women
3 – 50 m. Fly Men
4 – 50 m. Fly Women.
5 – 100 m. Breast Men.
6 – 100 m. Breast Women
7 – .50 m. Freestyle Men
8 – .50 m. Freestyle Women
9 – 100 m. Back Men
10 – 100 m. Back Women
11 – 4×50 m. Freestyle Men
12 – 4×50 m. Freestyle Women.
13 – 4×50 m. Freestyle Mixed
Second session: Sunday 27 April 2025 at 09:00 a.m.
14 – 50 m. Back Men
15 – 50 m. Back Women
16 – 100 m. Fly Men
17 – 100 m. Fly Women
18 – 50 m. Breast Men
19 – 50 m. Breast Women
20 – 100 m. Freestyle Men
21 – 100 m. Freestyle Women
22 – 100 m. Ind. Medley Men.
23 – 100 m. Ind. Medley Women
24 – 4×50 m. Ind. Medley Men
25 – 4×50 m. Ind. Medley Women
26 – 4×50 m. Ind. Medley Mixed
Rest breaks will be scheduled once the number of swimmers and series are confirmed.
Entries will be allowed to all swimmers, Spanish or foreigners, over 20 years of age (born in the year 2005 and earlier). Spanish swimmers will need their “Masters license” from their Autonomic Federation.
Foreigners will need their license from their respective Federations.
Minimum entry times are not required. However, swimmers must submit their previous best time; otherwise they will be listed as “S.T.” (NT – No Time).
Swimmers can enter a maximum of 8 individual events (4 per day) plus relays.
Depending on the number of swimmers for the 400m Freestyle event, it may be 2 swimmers per lane.
Each swimmer can participate in a maximum of 8 individual events, not more than 4 per day, and relays.
All foreign swimmers must register through our collaborating partner website,
All Spanish swimmers must register, whatever their federation, through LEVERADE.
The Clubs will have to fill out their entries, with their age groups.
No age group changes will be allowed nor new registrations once the event list has been published.
Clubs must submit their relay entry forms with all required details prior to the start of the session.
There will be 9 age groups, which are formed by adding up the age of the 4 swimmers.
PREMASTERS (20-24 yrs) can only participate in the +80 age group (80-99).
Other master swimmers are allowed to participate in any age group:
+80 More than 80 years (80-99)
+100 More than 100 years (100-119)
+120 More than 120 years (120-159)
+160 More than 160 years (160-199)
+200 More than 200 years (200-239)
+240 More than 240 years (240-279)
+280 More than 280 years (280-319)
+320 More than 320 years (320-359)
+360 More than 360 years
Clubs can submit more than one team for each category.
Swimmers must enter at least one individual event to be eligible to swim in a relay team. Relay-only swimmers are not allowed.
4×50 mixed relay teams must consist of 2 male swimmers and 2 female swimmers in any order.
The participants registered for the Complete Swimmer Trophy have to participate in 50 m. butterfly, 50 m. backstroke, 50m breaststroke, 50m freestyle and in the 100m individual medley.
The classification will be based on the total time of the 5 events added up.
All foreign swimmers must register through our collaborating partner website,
All Spanish swimmers must register, whatever their federation, through FEDERATIO.
Entries with fees not paid will be rejected.
Registration fee: 7,50 € per swimmer.
Entry fee: 7€ per individual event entry.
Spanish clubs should send an email to attaching the RECEIPT OF THE REGISTRATION FEES before the end of the registration deadline (12 April 2025 at 23:00 hours) indicating in the concept the name of the club and MOM 2025.
The bank account is: ES33 2100 2012 6502 0010 7205 (name: ESPORTS MÀSTERS).
Registration of relay events will be completed by the delegate from each club, with all the data and sent by e-mail to Relays FREE.
The deadline for registration will be 12 April 2025 at 23:00 hours, both for individual and relay events.
On Tuesday 15 April, from 20:00 hours, the list of registered participants and the provisional entries will be published on the website
Club leaders will have until Monday 21 April at 23:00 hours to request the correction of errors, which should be sent to
On Wednesday 23rd at 20:00 hours final heat sheets will be published on the website and on the website
Additionally, an e-mail will be sent to the registered Spanish clubs and to all the registered foreign swimmers informing them of the publication of both provisional entries and final heat sheets.
Once the final heat sheets have been published, no changes of category or new registrations will be admitted.9. SWIMWEAR
All swimsuits shall comply with the FINA Criteria adopted on 16 January 2010.
All swimsuits shall comply with the FINA Criteria adopted on 16 January 2010.
The warm-up time will be 90 minutes before the start of the day on Saturday and 60 minutes before the day on Sunday. The maximum collaboration of the swimmers is requested. During the competition, you can warm up and relax in the pool adjacent to the competition pool.
Saturday: April 25, 2025, from 13:15 p.m. to 15:15 p.m.
Sunday: April 27, 2025, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m.
The ONE START rule will apply for all swimming events.
All events will be conducted on a timed final basis. Classifications will be established according to the times achieved. Events will be seeded by entry time for each sex, regardless of age.
Swimmer withdrawals on the day of the meet shall be reported to the control desk no later than thirty minutes prior to the start of the session. Unreported withdrawal to compete in an event will result in the swimmer being barred from all the other individual events of that session, but for the relays.
Swimmers shall remain in the water in their lane until all swimmers in the race have finished until directed by the referee to leave the water by the side of the pool, trying not to touch or climb over the electronic timing pads.
Due to possible malfunctioning pads or disqualified swimmers, results on the scoreboard will only be official after the referee’s approval.
Paper copies will not be provided.
The events programme will be available for download from the MOM website the the Wednesday before the start of the competition, as indicated in point 8.
The club delegates should check for errors in the events programme and submit corrections asap in order to prevent errors in the final results lists.
During the meet, a copy of the events list will be posted on the panels behind the grandstand and at the pool.
The results will be posted on the panel behind the grandstand after every event and on the website. A copy of the results list will also be at the medal’s desk.
At the end of each session the results will also be posted on the MOM website.
At the end of the meet the results will be posted in LENEX format.
Ajuntament de Palma, IME Institut Municipal d’Esports, Consell de Mallorca, Federación Balear de Natación and Esports Masters “esmàs” will deliver the following awards:
Trophies to the first 3 swimmers in each age-group for the “COMPLETE SWIMMER TROPHY”
MEDALS to the first 3 swimmers in each age group/event in the individual events.
NO medals for the Relays will be givenThe Ajuntament de Palma, IME Institut Municipal d’Esports, Consell de Mallorca, Federación Balear de
Natación and Esports Masters “esmàs” will hand out the following awards:
The “COMPLETE SWIMMER TROPHY” will be awarded to the first 3 swimmers for each category group with the best added up time result in 50 m. butterfly, 50 m. backstroke, 50m breaststroke, 50m freestyle and in the 100m individual medley.
The MEDALS to the best 3 swimmers in each age group/event in the individual events.
No medals will be given for the Relays..
The swimmers signing up this competition assume that they are in good health, and that their doctor has not informed them otherwise, plus they acknowledge that they are aware of the risks inherent to participation at XXIX MALLORCA OPEN MASTERS to be held at “Piscinas Municipales de Son Hugo” (Palma de Mallorca,
Spain), including the possible disability or death, and they are willing to take those risks.
Also registered swimmers waive any claim for loss, damage or injury arising out of their participation at XXIX MALLORCA OPEN MASTERS against Federación Balear de Natación, against the organizing club (Esports Màsters “esmàs“) or against any person participating or assisting the cited championship, being obliged and agreeing to meet the standards set by the Federación Balear de Natación, and this regulation.
All participants must be in possession of a medical insurance, valid in Spain, covering any expenses (doctor, pharmacist, hospital or return home), which may occur in connection with their stay in Mallorca and their participation at XXIX MALLORCA OPEN MASTERS, which they undertake to prove if required.